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Offline The Canadian Atheist

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ALL religions are derived from ancient Egyptian sun worship
« on: January 18, 2013, 11:07:20 AM »
I'll do this one by one.

Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ.

Moslems believe in Christ.

Horus, the ancient Egyptian God, was a personification of the Sun. During the winter solstice on December 21, the sun stops moving South and resides on the Southern cross (Crux) constellation for three days. Then, on December 25, the Sun actually moves about one degree upwards. This personification led to Horus being crucified for three days, then reborn. In fact, in the countries where the pagan practice of Christmas, the Sun does not even appear on the three days, meaning it has officially 'died' for three days. The three kings myth in the bible is also from Horus. The star of the East, Sirius, along with the Orion belt (The three kings), point towards the Sun rise on Christmas Eve. This is where they got the story of the three kings following the birth of the Sun. The parallels continue! The twelve apostles are nothing but the twelve Zodiac constellations. As for Jesus turning 'water into wine', it is a reference to how the Sun can ferment grapes in water and turn them into wine. The 'walking on water' trick is a reference to the Sun's reflection on the water. Baptism comes from the constellation Aquarius, under which the Sun rises upon. There are entire books on the issue! Judas betraying Jesus with a kiss of death is a reference to the Scorpio constellation. In fact, Autumn is known as fall, the fall of the sun. What makes the sun 'fall'? It resides on the Scorpio constellation, then moves south, causing a 'fall'. In Egyptian mythology, the scorpion's kiss of death makes the Sun fall. The scorpion is meant to be deceptive, and its bite resembles a sting. There is a lot more to it than I just showed you. You have to decide these overused facts in Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, etc. Yourself:

* A son of God
* Walking on water
* Born on Dec. 25
* Performed miracles
* Resurrected the dead (The sun revives dead land)

Of course, one more thing was in common with all of these guys: Virgin birth. The virgo constellation comes shortly before the Sun rise on Christmas Eve, as if virgo was giving birth to the Sun.


Offline Black Muslim

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Re: ALL religions are derived from ancient Egyptian sun worship
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2013, 11:29:51 AM »
If you're the Canadian in Yahoo answers from a year ago then you'd better leave right now . I remember that name is associated with the arrogance and the lack of proper upbringing .

Now , to answer your lies and attempts to haze our faith .

...................... Hold on a second . NOTHING in your post can shake the faith of ANYONE ! All of these are claims you make just because you think they are right . I won't tire myself refute something you address to Christians . That's their job . But when you try to put us in the same spot with Christians through saying :

Moslems believe in Christ.

First of all , Canadian one , we are Muslims - With "U" - and secondly , this sentence of yours reveals serious ignorance of some of the simplest things in Islam . Sure , we believe in Jesus peace upon him as well . But do you have an idea what do we believe about him ? Clearly , you don't . We don't believe he's God or son of God . We don't even give him any divine characteristics . We don't believe he was killed . We don't believe he turned water to wine . The only things you mentioned and we do believe are that he was born from the virgin Mary peace upon her , and that he performed miracles . So here's an advice . Take all these things you came up with and confront Christians with . We have nothing to do with them .

But , yet another thing you say which shows serious ignorance , not of Islam , but of ANY religion , is that you claim ALL the religions came from Egypt . So you're saying that the religions which appeared before Egypt existed are actually from Egypt ?! And what about the far away nations - The Americas - which never knew about it ? Respect our minds please ! This isn't a comedy show !

Offline The Canadian Atheist

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Re: ALL religions are derived from ancient Egyptian sun worship
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2013, 11:44:24 AM »
And what about the far away nations - The Americas - which never knew about it ? Respect our minds please ! This isn't a comedy show !

I know it is hard to believe at first. However, LOOK BEHIND THE DOLLAR BILL. You will see the eye of Horus, the Sun God. Look at the great seal, you will see the Sun and an eagle spreading out its wings. It's all there!

and i love how you changed your Koran:
"we don't believe he was the son of God, crucified, etc"
Changing Allah's words based on my claims is a sin you know

Offline Tanveer

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Re: ALL religions are derived from ancient Egyptian sun worship
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2013, 02:42:48 PM »
And what about the far away nations - The Americas - which never knew about it ? Respect our minds please ! This isn't a comedy show !

I know it is hard to believe at first. However, LOOK BEHIND THE DOLLAR BILL. You will see the eye of Horus, the Sun God. Look at the great seal, you will see the Sun and an eagle spreading out its wings. It's all there!

and i love how you changed your Koran:
"we don't believe he was the son of God, crucified, etc"
Changing Allah's words based on my claims is a sin you know

My troll bell started humming after I read your moon god post. Now it's full on tolling

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Re: ALL religions are derived from ancient Egyptian sun worship
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2013, 04:26:48 PM »
Hi Canadian Atheist,

Welcome to the blog.  I ask Allah Almighty to Guide you to Islam.  Ameen.

In regards to ancient pagan beliefs, Islam is innocent from them.  For example, just because they believed in a moon-god, and called him GOD (Allah), it doesn't make us today believers in a moon-god.  This link should help, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing):

And just because pagans might've practiced that seem to also exist in Islam, such as going around the Kaaba, it doesn't make Islam a pagan religion.  It was Abraham and Ishmael, peace be upon them, who built the Kaaba.  It's location was determined by the asteroid located there, which is called the "black stone".  Islam originated from there.  Paganism then started moving in, and people became pagans.  Allah Almighty then sent the Final Religion, Islam, to retore Islam in Arabia and throughout the entire world.  So, if Islam today has certain practices that pagans also practiced, then it's not that Islam originated from paganism.  It is rather Islam came to remove paganism and restore the Original Faith and Practices.  Please visit:

Similarily, we are not followers of any Egyptian paganism or mythology.  Jesus is the Messiah and the Christ, who was born of a virgin.  We believe in that.  We don't, however, believe he is GOD Almighty, nor a son of GOD (GOD Almighty has no sons).  He is a Prophet of GOD Almighty who was created from the Word of GOD Almighty, and had the Spirit of GOD Almighty blown into him, because he had direct inspiration and Revelations from GOD Almighty.  His Words were Injil (Gospel).

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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Re: ALL religions are derived from ancient Egyptian sun worship
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2013, 05:00:07 PM »
Oh I LOVE Egyptology!! (before I learned about similarities with Christianity)

What really happened was that Isa (not Jesus) was born of a virgin, Mary. That's all that happened. Years after his death, Paul used allegories of the Sun, combined Isa's name with Horus, the Egyptian sun God, to make Jesus. He added tons and tons of allegories, most of which are really intelligent (oh but what a waste!). In fact, some ancient Egyptian glyphs even have the name Isus. The same case with Buddha. He didn't want to be worshiped after his death, but people worshiped him. Same with Krishna, born of a virgin, then people assume it's an incarnation of Horus. In fact, virgin birth is not miraculous at all according to modern science. Christians have been greatly misunderstood.

Offline zulfiqarchucknorris

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Re: ALL religions are derived from ancient Egyptian sun worship
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2013, 05:06:48 PM »
dear the on and only God, you should remember that Isa or Yasu are just Arabic ways of saying Jesus, Muslims prefer Isa while christians prefer Yasu. The diference in the belief of muslims from the jews is that we believe that Jesus was the messiah and a noble prophet. as for the difference i belif between the muslims and the christians is that we dont believe he is the literal son of God.

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Re: ALL religions are derived from ancient Egyptian sun worship
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2013, 05:19:03 PM »
dear the on and only God, you should remember that Isa or Yasu are just Arabic ways of saying Jesus, Muslims prefer Isa while christians prefer Yasu. The diference in the belief of muslims from the jews is that we believe that Jesus was the messiah and a noble prophet. as for the difference i belif between the muslims and the christians is that we dont believe he is the literal son of God.

lololol. That's an attempt at trying to unite ourselves with the sun worshiping pagans. Jesus is NOT Isa (pbuh). Thing is, Jesus is an anthropomorphism of the Sun. There are ~30 ancient mythological sun Gods that follow the Jesus story (born on Dec. 25, star in the East, bread wine, walking on water, son of God, 12 disciples). In fact, Dec. 25 is when the Sun rises after residing on the Crux constellation for three days (crucifixion), the winter solstice. the 'birth' of Jesus on Dec. 25 is a reference to the Sun when it rises on Christmas Eve, accompanied by the Orion belt (three stars or three kings as the bible says) and the Sirius star. Hinduism also has this parallel. The "three kings" follow the star in the East, to deliver gifts to the "Sun of God", Horus, or today, Jesus. Islam is a good choice, knowing you're not sun worshiping cattle. Isa (PBUH) was a prophet of Allah, Jesus is an anthropomorphism for the Sun. The 12 disciples are nothing but the 12 zodiac signs, the walking on water is a reference to the Sun's reflection in water.
A crucified for three days son of God that turned water into wine is completely unislamic and has direct parallels to Mithras and other pagan Gods.

If you flip the dollar bill you will see a pyramid with the eye of Horus on top of the pyramid. They're influenced by Egyptian culture, A LOT.

Offline zulfiqarchucknorris

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Re: ALL religions are derived from ancient Egyptian sun worship
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2013, 05:28:19 PM »
that why the Islamic Jesus differs from the christian jesus, although they are the same person. Jesus had disciples, not necessarily 12 though. The bread and wine thing is a christian belief. However, we know Jesus performed miracles, maybe walking in water in one of them,]. Also jesus was NEVER crucified, according to islamic belief.
Jesus is the same in Christianity as in Islam, but the christian version has been corrupted.

Offline adnaanshaikh195

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Re: ALL religions are derived from ancient Egyptian sun worship
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2013, 06:55:56 PM »
I'll do this one by one.

Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ.

Moslems believe in Christ.

Horus, the ancient Egyptian God, was a personification of the Sun. During the winter solstice on December 21, the sun stops moving South and resides on the Southern cross (Crux) constellation for three days. Then, on December 25, the Sun actually moves about one degree upwards. This personification led to Horus being crucified for three days, then reborn. In fact, in the countries where the pagan practice of Christmas, the Sun does not even appear on the three days, meaning it has officially 'died' for three days. The three kings myth in the bible is also from Horus. The star of the East, Sirius, along with the Orion belt (The three kings), point towards the Sun rise on Christmas Eve. This is where they got the story of the three kings following the birth of the Sun. The parallels continue! The twelve apostles are nothing but the twelve Zodiac constellations. As for Jesus turning 'water into wine', it is a reference to how the Sun can ferment grapes in water and turn them into wine. The 'walking on water' trick is a reference to the Sun's reflection on the water. Baptism comes from the constellation Aquarius, under which the Sun rises upon. There are entire books on the issue! Judas betraying Jesus with a kiss of death is a reference to the Scorpio constellation. In fact, Autumn is known as fall, the fall of the sun. What makes the sun 'fall'? It resides on the Scorpio constellation, then moves south, causing a 'fall'. In Egyptian mythology, the scorpion's kiss of death makes the Sun fall. The scorpion is meant to be deceptive, and its bite resembles a sting. There is a lot more to it than I just showed you. You have to decide these overused facts in Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, etc. Yourself:

* A son of God
* Walking on water
* Born on Dec. 25
* Performed miracles
* Resurrected the dead (The sun revives dead land)

Of course, one more thing was in common with all of these guys: Virgin birth. The virgo constellation comes shortly before the Sun rise on Christmas Eve, as if virgo was giving birth to the Sun.


Isa Aleyhisalam is not a begotten son of God in Islam, if you say servant of God, that's fine, all prophet's are servants of God.
Walking on water(?)
Born on the 25th of December? Isa Aleyhisalam was not born in the winter, he was born in the summer/spring, which I can prove using the bible/or the Qur'an, and it's a historical fact.
Performed miracles - So what's you point?

The council of Nicea in the year 325 AD announced the divinity of Isa Aleyhisalam and chose what gospels should be chosen or not followed, never the less, it's not an issue anymore.
The trinity concept existed way earlier before Christianity came to exist, it exists amongst Nimrod, and other modern pagan faiths (Hinduism). Believe it or not, the trinity with nimrod was as follows, Nimrods mother, Nimrod (The son) and A spirit, all three are one in that bogus trinity concept, Nimrod actually had intercourse with his own mother, and his own mother was his wife (This was real)

Long story short, Christianity was hijacked, and all that Isa Aleyhisalam Ressurecting from the dead is all bogus, the earliest manuscript today of the bible today does NOT include the resurrection, it was a later insertion and also 'Paul' was a freemason who used a dual identity.

Offline DrShaFi

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Re: ALL religions are derived from ancient Egyptian sun worship
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2013, 11:46:52 PM »

Atheists.... the most ignorant and most cursed of them all...  Islam is the religion of Allah.  Adam and the rest of the prophets/messengers followed it.  Islam isnt just following muhammad.  Now it is yes, but b4 it had a meaning:  Believe in Allah only and follow his rules, according to what was sent to your generation.  For example, before it was La ilaha ilallah. musa rasullulah.  now it is la ilaha ilallah muhammadar rasullulah.  Adam was around b4 egypt came intop existence and b4 the religion of the egyptians.  So was islam.  It was the 1st religion.  The main point of Islam is tawheed,  belief in Allah only.

Offline Black Muslim

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Re: ALL religions are derived from ancient Egyptian sun worship
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2013, 03:10:47 AM »
Oh lord , give me strength .

I know it is hard to believe at first. However, LOOK BEHIND THE DOLLAR BILL. You will see the eye of Horus, the Sun God. Look at the great seal, you will see the Sun and an eagle spreading out its wings. It's all there!

Now hold on a second . who said a thing about the modern America ? I'm talking about hundreds and thousands of years before the British invaded the land and doomed almost every native American . They had religions too . And they never heard of anything named Egypt . That's the point .

and i love how you changed your Koran:
"we don't believe he was the son of God, crucified, etc"
Changing Allah's words based on my claims is a sin you know

You know , when I read this I think of a an Arabic poem written about Atheists and their attempts to attack Islam . Here are some of it translated . They are separate pieces by the way :

As if I'm seeing you headbutting a rock time after time through fighting the faith with the few goons .............. Now that you made us hear these hallucinations , isn't it time to bring something valid o son of your father ? ............ Why did you think you had the intelligence o absent minded ? And daring reached its utmost and arrogance surpassed its limit until you thought you could fight the best words with your weak rants o poor one .

That's about all I remember . The point is , what I just quoted of your words is 100% invalid . You know NOTHING about Islam and STILL have the nerve talk about it . Now I CHALLENGE you bring me ONE verse saying that Jesus is the son of God or that he was killed . You can look all you want and you'll never find any .

Shafi , watch your words . Following emotions can be disastrous .

Offline The Canadian Atheist

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Re: ALL religions are derived from ancient Egyptian sun worship
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2013, 05:46:53 AM »

Atheists.... the most ignorant and most cursed of them all... 

Don't blame you a bit. You're just following:

Qur'an 98:6 - Indeed, they who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists will be in the fire of Hell, abiding eternally therein. Those are the worst of creatures.

Offline There is only one God

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Re: ALL religions are derived from ancient Egyptian sun worship
« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2013, 08:26:28 AM »

Atheists.... the most ignorant and most cursed of them all... 

Don't blame you a bit. You're just following:

Qur'an 98:6 - Indeed, they who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists will be in the fire of Hell, abiding eternally therein. Those are the worst of creatures.

It's true though. They ARE the worst of creatures

Offline Black Muslim

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Re: ALL religions are derived from ancient Egyptian sun worship
« Reply #14 on: January 19, 2013, 08:29:49 AM »
As we say in Arabic "Yaslaam !" Yet again you show another form of ignorance , ignorance of ENGLISH ! The verse says

 "Indeed, they who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists"

It says that the people of scriptures - Jews and Christians - and polytheists are in hell . And before you go with "Why put them in hell" take a look at every single faith on the planet and you'll see that they all say the same . Everyone says they are right and the others are wrong . We find out who's right through talking with honesty and evidence . Not through corrupting the pictures of others through an accursed media . Anyway , back on track . The verse doesn't say Atheists . So it shows us that you're not even capable or reading properly ! So how dare you attack Islam while you can't understand what's written ?!

As for Shafi , he did wrong and he should learn from his mistake .

God knows best .


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