Author Topic: Rebuttal to the "contridictions between Quran and gospel of barnabas."  (Read 3327 times)

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Offline adilriaz123

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Asalam ul laykum brothers and sisters, since the issue of gospel of barnabas was raised by brothers here on this site. I decided to look at the contridictions again, after searching i found that this brother adeel, already created a very sound, rebuttal against answering islam's contridoction between quran and gospel of barnabas. This could definatly make gospel of barnabas, the most accurate gospel in aligned with the quran.

Also this brother points out some issues that were raised by answering islam and how these issues themselves are contridictory, such as how quran talks about 7 heavens and goapel of barnabas 9. However the way it seem jesus pbuh is mentioning them could be a mistranslation since it seems like it talking about sky or planets rather then heaven.

Offline adilriaz123

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Re: Rebuttal to the "contridictions between Quran and gospel of barnabas."
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2017, 02:39:17 PM »
Brother osama i hope u add these rebuttals to ur site because it defeats the answering islam claims.


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