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Offline Ramihs97

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Supposed "Flat earth verses" and judgement day.
« on: August 29, 2016, 07:50:57 AM »
Now the word الأرض means Earth or land or ground or floor.

However the quran also uses many words like Sutiha / basataha and madha and maddadha.

Isn't there any flatness being involved?  What did previous commentators say and how do we know when it's referring to land and not earth not to fit our agenda ?

Also in judgement day. Will we be judged in the heavens as in our soul/body ?

Or resurrected from the ground of the earth with our dust bones? 

The second part doesn't make sense because judgement day supposedly is when the universe goes crazy. Why would الله resurrect us only to kill us again ?

And how would our dust bones and flesh come back especially on earth ?

Thank you.

Offline Islam1st

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Re: Supposed "Flat earth verses" and judgement day.
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2016, 08:19:43 AM »
If you want us to answer your questions 1 by 1, then why not make it 1 thread? Why did you make 1 separate to another, I am not going to call you a troll, because it seems to me that you are genuinely asking questions, to clear doubt. However just wait for 1 doubt to be cleared, before the other. I recommend that you stop thinking too much and arguing with the Shaitan, because the Shaitan will immediately give you another doubt, do you not see this as a sign that you are consistently thinking about doubts, this is clear that the Shaitan is giving you doubts. Just say Auoodhobillahi minashaytaanirajeeem, and stop indulging in all this philosophy, you can refute these, when you gain the knowledge, continue seeking the knowledge of Islam, and then you can argue against others, right now, you are probably nowhere near qualified to start refuting other people's claims, and your own doubts, to an  exceptional level.
And Allah knows best.

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Re: Supposed "Flat earth verses" and judgement day.
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2016, 08:34:15 AM »
لأرض earths is where human and jinns roam while heavens will be where angels and celestial objects roams.

when talking about a place where human and jinns roam, it will be described as spread vastly wide.

Recreating universe from start will be easy for the Creator. After resurrection, all creations will be given eternal life.

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Re: Supposed "Flat earth verses" and judgement day.
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2016, 08:48:06 AM »
As'salamu Alaikum Everyone,

Please visit:  Everything you need is there, Insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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Re: Supposed "Flat earth verses" and judgement day.
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2016, 09:20:51 AM »
Good point in the article, if the verses of Quran means the shape of earth is flat unlike moon and sun,
then it should be 100% of knowledgeable Muslims  and commoners Muslims making images of flat earth.

Offline Ramihs97

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Re: Supposed "Flat earth verses" and judgement day.
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2016, 09:23:59 AM »
@Osama سبحان الله العظيم. So Sutihat really means pressed ? That's kind of unbelievable what the hell hahaha. Wow that's amazing.

Much thanks for clearing that out. Why do these Christians and jews try to bash Islam when it's literally the closest thing we have to الله ? They should be helping us as a matter of fact.

In regards to my question on judgement day ?

Offline Saudi Salafi

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Re: Supposed "Flat earth verses" and judgement day.
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2016, 10:20:14 AM »
 This issue has been discussed over here:

I suggest that you read the link above.

All of the scholars except for a very small number agree that the Earth is round:

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Re: Supposed "Flat earth verses" and judgement day.
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2016, 04:44:06 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers,

All Praise and Glory and Thanks are due to Allah Almighty Alone.  I thank Allah Almighty that my article was a good help for you. 

Dear brother Ramihs, please always feel free to ask all of your questions akhi.  Insha'Allah, you'll get them all answered here. 

Akhi Abdullah, you do realize that the Salafi link that you gave refutes you about the egg-shaped argument?  Here is what they said:

"Thus it is known that the Earth is round, and that is not contradicted by the fact that it is like an egg. Rather the false view is that which claims that it is flat, as the Church used to believe and for that reason used to curse and burn those scientists who said that it was round.

See: al-‘Almaaniyyah: Nash’atuha wa Tatawwuruha (1/130)" (

Here is the link where you argued this:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline khdrb

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Re: Supposed "Flat earth verses" and judgement day.
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2016, 07:53:13 PM »
I believe that(sutihat سطحت = been surfaced) and it's without a shadda( it's a punctuation mark to multiply the letter). if it with shadda it will be(Sutttihhat) that means being surfaced more than one surface .. (saqf سقف = roof)  (sath سطح = surface) (sath al bayt = home surface when walk on it and saqf roof when we are under it)( sath al qamar = moon surface ) ( suqifa al baitu = the home been roofed ) . Allah glory to him telling us to see  the way the earth been surfaced . is to look how beautiful is the earth surface and how nice is the design of that surface and how it so different than the underground and how much it's easier and interesting life for who lives on the surface. it could be that interpretation it could be yours , it could be both. and the only god knows best.

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Re: Supposed "Flat earth verses" and judgement day.
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2016, 01:01:46 AM »
As I showed in the many definitions, if something gets SUTIH, it means it got pressed.  A man who is MASTOOH is someone who is very bloated after eating too much food that he feels he's about to blow up.  A nose that is MASTOOH, is a nose that is pressed in.  An earth that is MASTOOHA or has been SUTIHAT, means that it's been pressed.

Also, scientists today have confirmed that the earth has gone through "The Big Splat", where a planet size body of mostly-iron had slammed into earth and formed its iron core.  So the earth was SUTIHAT there by having that whole body of planet slamming itself right through it.  And did not Allah Almighty Himself Say that He sent down iron:

"We sent aforetime Our messengers with clear signs and sent down them the Book and the Balance (of right and wrong), that men may stand forth in justice; and We sent down iron, in which is (material for) Mighty war, as well as many benefits for mankind, that Allah may test who it is that will help, unseen, Him and His messengers: For Allah is Full of strength, exalted in Might (And able to enforce His Will).  (The Noble Quran, 57:25)"

Why Iron??

Out of all of the metals that Allah Almighty created and were known to man 1400 years ago, Allah Almighty chose to speak about IRON BEING SENT DOWN FROM SPACE TO EARTH, which had been scientifically confirmed.  Please visit:

Also the earth is bulged at the equator due to its high speed rotation.  This has caused for the equator to get pressed and bulge out.  The earth here is also SUTIHAT.

Sutihat is referring to a colossal event!

Another point worth mentioning is that when we look at the context of the Noble Verses, we see Allah Almighty bringing our attentions to investigate and research certain main things.  Let's look at the Noble Verses:

88:17 افلا ينظرون الى الابل كيف خلقت
‏88:18 والى السماء كيف رفعت
‏88:19 والى الجبال كيف نصبت
‏88:20 والى الارض كيف سطحت

[088:017]  Do they not look at the Camels, how they are made?-
[088:018]  And at the Sky, how it is raised high?-
[088:019]  And at the Mountains, how they are fixed firm?-
[088:020]  And at the Earth, how it is spread out SUTIHAT (سطحت, formed after a splat, is pressed and expanded)?

Notice how Allah Almighty is Commanding us to look into:

1-  The complex creation of the camel (the ship of the desert).

2-  The Heavens above us.

3-  The mountains on earth and how they were formed.

4-  The earth and how it was SUTIHAT.

The context clearly suggests looking at events such as the "The Big Splat", and the bulging of the earth at the equator events.  Again, visit:

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Saudi Salafi

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Re: Supposed "Flat earth verses" and judgement day.
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2016, 02:40:58 AM »
As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers,

All Praise and Glory and Thanks are due to Allah Almighty Alone.  I thank Allah Almighty that my article was a good help for you. 

Dear brother Ramihs, please always feel free to ask all of your questions akhi.  Insha'Allah, you'll get them all answered here. 

Akhi Abdullah, you do realize that the Salafi link that you gave refutes you about the egg-shaped argument?  Here is what they said:

"Thus it is known that the Earth is round, and that is not contradicted by the fact that it is like an egg. Rather the false view is that which claims that it is flat, as the Church used to believe and for that reason used to curse and burn those scientists who said that it was round.

See: al-‘Almaaniyyah: Nash’atuha wa Tatawwuruha (1/130)" (

Here is the link where you argued this:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

 Yup! And here we go again! Osama's ridiculous hatred against Salafis and Saudi scholars. Wether  you like it or not Osama there are rarely any  scholars  besidesthe scholars of Saudi Arabia and most scholars call them selves "Salafi". I'm a Salafi and so is everyone who follows proper Sunni Islam. And as for your attempts to attack the article that I put out:

Really? Are you kidding me? Yes, the Earth is "egg shaped" and everyone nowadays calls it that way. The main point is that it is round. The Earth actually looks a little like a pear according to Neil Degrasse Tyson. Their is nothing wrong with the link that I gave.

Offline khdrb

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Re: Supposed "Flat earth verses" and judgement day.
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2016, 06:14:47 AM »
about MASTOOH yes people using it after eating too much, maybe it's a new expression maybe old, but is that suppose to mean that they are giving the right expression ? I say MazToom fit that situation more don't you think? MASTOOH can be mean (this thing have been surfaced) I.E (Sutiha fa howa Mastoohon) ('Okila fa howa Ma'koolon)( 'Osira fa howa Ma'sooron ). and Allah knows best.

note: they also use the word (Satih) when they hear someone burping in high sound after drinking cola. it's like telling em go explode or something and i dunno what exactly does it mean :D . they use it for melon(estah al bateekha) (Estahilna hal bateekha ya m3allem)

غير أن الذي يخرج المرء من عقاله و يحط الأعل بالكف على طريقة معازيبنا السوريين و يسطح بتسكين السين أي يفلق كما سطح البطيخة بالسكين ،هو أن عملية تسطيح الموضوعات - و التسطيح هنا بمعنى التبسيط لدرجة تفريغ هذه الموضوعات من مضامينها - هو سجالٌ بين القنوات الفضائية –ولا أستثني أحداً، وبين ضيوفهم المتفذلكين رغم أن جهلهم المدفوع الثمن ماثلٌ للمشاهدين كما ندوب عمليات شد وجوه الحيزبونات!

they also uses the word (sathi for the shallow person)

@Abdullah Almadi
that's why I always say lets cut the shaping of the earth from the Quran if you don't have the tools to see how it is looks like. because Allah words can be interpreted wrong or right based on the human endeavor. I hate really to enroll Quran in unseen cases .

Offline Ramihs97

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Re: Supposed "Flat earth verses" and judgement day.
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2016, 07:56:16 AM »
So clearly the word Sutihat means either spread out or pressed depending on how it's spelt (which Christian fools wouldn't know with their four corner world). Maybe this could help you guys more

Guys wasn't there a verse in the quran similar to the bible saying that even if they built a tower or tree they wouldnt reach heaven ?

Also if heavens and earth were made in 6 epoch/periods. Then why do we consider our days to be 6 in our calender?
And same verses say 2nd day and 4th day. If it were truely a metaphor then why was it implied with different numbers ? Wouldnt that indicate our days ?


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Re: Supposed "Flat earth verses" and judgement day.
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2016, 08:56:55 PM »
Again, Sutihat means being pressed and bulged, and also being flattened.  In the link above, I gave an example from the dictionary that say:

أنف مسطح: منبسط جداً
A musattah nose is a very flat and slapped nose.

If a Nose is Musattah or Mastooh or Sutiha, it means that it is pressed and flattened.  This means that it would bulge from the sides.  Sutihat doesn't mean something became flat sheet of paperAn object that SUTIHA becomes pressed and bulged.  And the earth is such an object.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Ramihs97

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Re: Supposed "Flat earth verses" and judgement day.
« Reply #14 on: September 03, 2016, 02:22:41 PM »
Thank you for the help guys. What about the second part regarding judgement day ?

As in will we be resurrected on earth ? If so then :

A) Doesn't our bones disintegrate ?
B) why would we be resurrected only to die again since earth will go crazy and insane.

OR will we be resurrected and judged in Jannah with Allah ?


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