Author Topic: Sufism is NOT Grave-Worship.  (Read 4787 times)

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Offline AMuslimDude213

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Sufism is NOT Grave-Worship.
« on: August 27, 2016, 07:27:50 PM »
I'm trying to defend my sufi brethren(In faith) from the Salafi's,because after a lot of Research on Sufism,etc I conclude it isn't grave Worship or bid'ah,
They call the Dhikr(Remembrance of Allah) Bid'ah

Now how can this be Bid'ah? The Qur'an clearly states:

"Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah . Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured."(Qur'an 13:28)

Surah Ra'd is clear in its words,now for the Grave-Worship part,how is Making du'aa for what Sufi's call Aulia-Allah(Friends of Allah) to be in heaven Grave worship?
Don't we do Salat al Janazah? don't we pray for our beloved ones who died to be in heaven? don't we come to his grave to pay respect?
We do,don't we? now how can Sufism be Grave-worship?
Now calling a devout muslim who truly believes in his heart and has a lot of Eman(faith) Auliya-Allah isn't shirk,infact the Qur'an says:

"Behold! verily on the friends of Allah there is no fear, nor shall they grieve;"(Qur'an,10:62)

Now the Qur'an is clear in it's words,Sufism is not shirk rather it is a part of Sunni Islam,it is basically a organization and a foundation within Islam,which stores all,Sunni's,Shi'a's everyone.
It is no "Shirk" Sufi's aren't "Kafir" as Salafi's and wahhabi's claim,it is different from what they claim,it follows Sunni islam,80-90% of its teachings is what SUNNI ISLAM,believes,so Sufism IS Sunni Islam,with another name.

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Re: Sufism is NOT Grave-Worship.
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2016, 09:36:46 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum akhi,

Sufies are like Shias.  The average person who is not involved in their heresies, and is only carrying the title (Sufi or Shia) just because he was born with it is a Muslim.  But those who are too involved in their heresies are very dangerously bordering the line of polytheism and idol worship.

In the Islamic cults section, I wanted to actually add material on Sufies, but never got the chance:

The only true Islam is the Islam of the Middle:

[002:143]  Thus We have appointed you a middle nation, that ye may be witnesses against mankind, and that the messenger may be a witness against you. And We appointed the qiblah which ye formerly observed only that We might know him who followeth the messenger, from him who turneth on his heels. In truth it was a hard (test) save for those whom Allah guided. But it was not Allah's purpose that your faith should be in vain, for Allah is Full of Pity, Merciful toward mankind.

Just be a Muslim!

Just be a Muslim.  No need to associate yourself with any cult.  They're all false.  Only the Islam of the Middle unites all Muslims and drops all titles.  Everything else is fitnah (tumult).  As soon as you bring in a title into the conversation, the whole relationship between you and the other Muslim goes down the drain.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Saudi Salafi

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Re: Sufism is NOT Grave-Worship.
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2016, 12:58:23 AM »
As'salamu Alaikum akhi,

Sufies are like Shias.  The average person who is not involved in their heresies, and is only carrying the title (Sufi or Shia) just because he was born with it is a Muslim.  But those who are too involved in their heresies are very dangerously bordering the line of polytheism and idol worship.

In the Islamic cults section, I wanted to actually add material on Sufies, but never got the chance:

The only true Islam is the Islam of the Middle:

[002:143]  Thus We have appointed you a middle nation, that ye may be witnesses against mankind, and that the messenger may be a witness against you. And We appointed the qiblah which ye formerly observed only that We might know him who followeth the messenger, from him who turneth on his heels. In truth it was a hard (test) save for those whom Allah guided. But it was not Allah's purpose that your faith should be in vain, for Allah is Full of Pity, Merciful toward mankind.

Just be a Muslim!

Just be a Muslim.  No need to associate yourself with any cult.  They're all false.  Only the Islam of the Middle unites all Muslims and drops all titles.  Everything else is fitnah (tumult).  As soon as you bring in a title into the conversation, the whole relationship between you and the other Muslim goes down the drain.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

 No, the Sufis are not Shia. The Shiites are on a whole other level of kufr and bidaa. Sufis ate still technically Sunni and Muslim, it is just that they commit many heresies.

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Re: Sufism is NOT Grave-Worship.
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2016, 08:16:19 AM »
It doesnt really matter which ruling sect they came from as long they do not go beyond the limits as creations on earth.

So long they rely solely onto Allah, inimitable sustainer and provisioner of the worlds.
Believe that He appoint His servants the angels, past prophets and final prophet to be His messenger of His scriptures for all generations.
Believe in the ordains of carrying out prayers, fasting and paying zakat, and also performing Hajj if able before death reaches them.


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