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Zionist symbols in Saudi Arabia and the United States Seal
« on: June 27, 2014, 06:34:37 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum everyone,

I just updated the article with the following section and video:

(b)-  Zionist symbols in Saudi Arabia and the United States Seal:

In this video, the following two points are exposed:

  • Why is Saudi Arabia zionising Mecca and itself?  See how they're directly violating Islam!

  • The United States Seal has 666 clearly written in it!

  • The video was taken from:, and it will shed the light on some of the serious issues with Saudi Arabia and the United States Government.  And here are some snapshots from the video:


    1-  The United States Seal and the 666 Symbol:




    2-  Some of Saudi Arabia's Government Zionist Logos:


    3-  The zionising of the Holy City of Mecca.  The Saudi government has removed the obelisk pillar, which was a representation of satan that the Muslims would stone each with 7 stones, and replaced it with a mere wall.  Is it because the obelisk pillar is one of the zionist machine's symbols of today? [1]


    Again, please see the video that I linked above for a good demonstration of the the following two points:

  • Why is Saudi Arabia zionising Mecca and itself?  See how they're directly violating Islam!

  • The United States Seal has 666 clearly written in it!

  • And again, the video was taken from:, and it will shed the light on some of the serious issues with Saudi Arabia and the United States Government.

    Take care,
    Osama Abdallah

    Offline mclinkin94

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    Re: Zionist symbols in Saudi Arabia and the United States Seal
    « Reply #1 on: June 28, 2014, 08:38:51 PM »
    I definitely agree with the last picture that there are some ridiculous rituals that people think are part of the hajj.

    But, are you saying that the dajjal is the zionist movement or an actual person?

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    Re: Zionist symbols in Saudi Arabia and the United States Seal
    « Reply #2 on: June 29, 2014, 12:35:19 AM »
    I definitely agree with the last picture that there are some ridiculous rituals that people think are part of the hajj.

    But, are you saying that the dajjal is the zionist movement or an actual person?

    Please explain what you mean by "ridiculous rituals".  Are you including even the original?  Islam's Worship-Practices are a major RED LINEWars of apostasy happened during the 1st Caliph's days because some "Muslims" started getting colorful with their rotten nonsense about Islam, and wanted to corrupt Islam from within.

    Brother, your rejection of everything is far too extreme!  And do you not see that you're only guessing at best??  And you never responded to Noble Verse 3:7, which silences the Sunnah rejecters' cult:

    [003:007]  He it is Who has sent down to thee the Book: In it are verses basic or fundamental (of established meaning); they are the foundation of the Book: others are allegorical. But those in whose hearts is perversity follow the part thereof that is a llegorical, seeking discord, and searching for its hidden meanings, but no one knows its hidden meanings except God. And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in the Book; the whole of it is from our Lord:" and none will grasp the Message except men of understanding.

    Allah Almighty Himself has forbidden you from going this route!  I've already responded to you before and included this Noble Verse in my response, and you have totally ignored addressing it in your reply.

    Please clarify what you meant by "ridiculous rituals" for all of us here.  I can understand rejecting many hadiths from our Hadiths' collections, for I myself belong to this camp, but no Muslim should ever try to alter Islam's Practices of Worship

    And to those who oppose my position on rejecting many of the hadiths of today, I say to them that Sheikhs Bukhari and Muslim and others in their writings themselves said that they have not included many of the Hadiths which they felt were authentic.  So why should we get obnoxious about rejecting some hadiths that directly clash with the Glorious Quran from their collecitons, such as monkeys stoning monkeys for adultery, the Prophet got bewitched, Aisha used to have adults breast feed off of her nieces and sisters, and many other absurd stories that directly clash with the Glorious Quran's Commands and Morals?

    Also, many of the Bukhari and Muslim and others' Hadiths collections today were also written by their students, and their students' students.  So, it is absurd to say that all of those Hadiths were okayed by the Sheikhs Bukhari and Muslim and Ahmed, and Ibn Maja, and Tirmithy and others.

    To the reader, please visit:

    Thank you!
    Osama Abdallah

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    Re: Zionist symbols in Saudi Arabia and the United States Seal
    « Reply #3 on: June 29, 2014, 08:03:00 PM »
    Hello brother Osama,

    The only hajj rituals are the ones listed in the Quran. All others (outside of the Quran), like the one you mentioned (stoning of the devil) are not hajj rituals.

    Quran 3:7 refers to the interpretation of the Quran, not Muhammad's hadiths. I seek the Quran and only the Quran, just as I was instructed by Allah. I don't understand your usage of Quran 3:7, it seems to do nothing at all. The verses that say the Quran is the only source of law are not allegorical verses. They are clear, there is no room for any alternate interpretation.

    In fact Quran 3:7 goes against Sunni islam.

    "He it is who sent down to you the book, in IT are verses..."

    Wouldn't this be a perfect place to mention the alleged other source of law that Muhammad received from Allah?

    Besides this, I believe the Quran is Allah's final testament and reminder to humanity. I also believe the Quran is the only source of law in Islam and all sunni/shia Muslims that I have debated have failed to prove the otherwise. I can literally pop up one verse that completely destroys both those sects. Quran 45:6. What is their explanation for that verse? Did Allah not really mean that these Quranic verses are all that we could believe in? If you were Allah and wanted to let everyone know that they cannot believe anything besides those verses, how would you better word that verse?

    During the Hajj, Muslims collect 21 pebbles and throw them at 3 different stations (7 pebbles at each station). By doing so, they are led to believe that they are expressing their rejection of Satan and gaining spiritual strength to fight his evil influence. In support of such beliefs, they refer to some of the most ridiculous fabricated ‘hadith’, one of which claims that every time a stone is thrown at any of the three Satanic stations, that Satan in fact feels pain and groans in agony!! Believe that and you will believe anything! In actual fact the devil, and who is obviously not sitting at those silly alters waiting to be aimed at, is probably laughing his head off and rejoicing for succeeding in deviating the millions of idol worshippers from the sole aim of Hajj, which is to ‘Praise and commemorate God’, and instead be preoccupied with his name! In reality, Satan has taken up two or three days of their valuable Hajj days to utter his name!! The fact that they are stoning him and cursing his name and not singing his praises is totally insignificant, simply because Satan's goal is not to get worshipped by humans--but to corrupt humans from correctly submitting to Allah.

    « Last Edit: June 29, 2014, 09:21:33 PM by mclinkin94 »

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    Re: Zionist symbols in Saudi Arabia and the United States Seal
    « Reply #4 on: June 30, 2014, 03:33:39 PM »
    I seek the Quran and only the Quran, just as I was instructed by Allah

    This is getting far too ridiculous!  It's already been demonstrated to you countless times before that Muslims are clearly instructed to follow Prophet Muhammad also.  And this is from the very Glorious Quran Itself:

    "What Allah gave as booty (Fai) to His Messenger (Muhammad SAW) from the people of the townships, - it is for Allah, His Messenger (Muhammad SAW), the kindred (of Messenger Muhammad SAW), the orphans, AlMasakin (the poor), and the wayfarer, in order that it may not become a fortune used by the rich among you. And whatsoever the Messenger (Muhammad SAW) gives you, take it, and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain (from it), and fear Allah. Verily, Allah is Severe in punishment.  (The Noble Quran, 59:7)"

    In support of such beliefs, they refer to some of the most ridiculous fabricated ‘hadith’, one of which claims that every time a stone is thrown at any of the three Satanic stations, that Satan in fact feels pain and groans in agony!!

    This is where you get your apples and oranges all mixed up.  Even if the Hadith is false, this still wouldn't make the ritual itself false.  Whether one is a Muslim or not, one couldn't be that ridiculously off in his brain to believe that the INHERITED SUNNAH, which had been practiced by billions upon billions of Muslims throughout the ages, isn't original Islam!  You couldn't say for example that SURAT AL-FATIHA isn't obligatory to read in every Prayer, just because the Quran doesn't say so.

    You have to differentiate between the inherited Sunnah and some of the stupid false and blasphemous hadiths, such as Moses punched the Angel of death in the eye, which forced Allah Almighty to extend Moses' life, after Allah Almighty SUPPOSEDLY decided to take it and had sent the Angel of Death to take it.  Moses punched in the face both the Angel of Death and Allah Almighty's Will I suppose.

    The stoning of the devil is part of the Hajj, whether you like it or not.  This is Islam.  Don't try to modify it, akhi.  The Noble Verses that you mention about the Glorious Quran is Complete, yes, those are about your Salvation!  Not about how to dress, how to speak, how to eat, etc...  The Commands are there for being a good and pious Muslim, and one who doesn't harm others.  But the Hadiths detail everything.

    I hope this makes sense for you now.

    Take care,
    Osama Abdallah

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    Re: Zionist symbols in Saudi Arabia and the United States Seal
    « Reply #5 on: June 30, 2014, 06:43:50 PM »
    This is getting far too ridiculous!  It's already been demonstrated to you countless times before that Muslims are clearly instructed to follow Prophet Muhammad also.  And this is from the very Glorious Quran Itself:

    "What Allah gave as booty (Fai) to His Messenger (Muhammad SAW) from the people of the townships, - it is for Allah, His Messenger (Muhammad SAW), the kindred (of Messenger Muhammad SAW), the orphans, AlMasakin (the poor), and the wayfarer, in order that it may not become a fortune used by the rich among you. And whatsoever the Messenger (Muhammad SAW) gives you, take it, and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain (from it), and fear Allah. Verily, Allah is Severe in punishment.  (The Noble Quran, 59:7)"

    Asalamu Alikum brother Osama,

    Before I start, I just want to let you know that I do not mean to be rude or disrespectful on this forum especially on the month of Ramadan--I will try to just give arguments in support of my belief and then give and receive constructive criticism. By the way, Ramadan Mubarak! I wish you and your family well, may Allah hear your prayers.

    Your interpretation of that verse cannot be true because you are elevating Muhammad to being a Law maker besides God. This is in sharp violation to many Quranic verses such as 6:114, 42:21 and 66:1. Moreover, you did not take into account the context:

    1- These two verses (59:6-7) speak very clearly about the spoils of war and nothing else. The words "that which God gives as spoils from the defeated towns" confirm that the subject is the spoils of war.

    2- More important the source of what is given to the people by the messenger "what the messenger asigns to you" is God and not the messenger. This is confirmed with the words "what God restored for His messenger". What this means is that whatever is given to the believers, and even though is given by the messenger, yet the source is still God. The spoils of war are given to the messenger in order that he may distribute them in accordance to God's rules.

    3- We read that the messenger is told specifically how to distribute these spoils of war: "for the relatives, the orphans, the needy, and the traveling alien". Therefore the messenger has NO legislative power, Allah has all the power as he tells the messenger how to distribute these spoils of war.

    4- Following these words, God says that the believers should accept what the messenger gives them (of the spoils) and refrain from what is not given to them. In other words, God is telling the believers to accept the way the messenger distributes these spoils of war without grumbling. Now the messenger distributes these spoils of war in the way Allah ordered him. So to disobey the messenger is to disobey Allah.

    5- The words "so it would not remain monopolised by the strong among you" is further conclusive proof that God is not speaking about the hadith or sunna of the messenger but is speaking about material gains, i.e the spoils of war.

    6- Please do not fall for the Sunni and Shia Guru and Imam action of taking that verse: "take what the messenger gives you" and quoted it in isolation in order to deceive. They will have their punishment with Allah.

    This is where you get your apples and oranges all mixed up.  Even if the Hadith is false, this still wouldn't make the ritual itself false.  Whether one is a Muslim or not, one couldn't be that ridiculously off in his brain to believe that the INHERITED SUNNAH, which had been practiced by billions upon billions of Muslims throughout the ages, isn't original Islam!  You couldn't say for example that SURAT AL-FATIHA isn't obligatory to read in every Prayer, just because the Quran doesn't say so.

    All it takes is a group of sheiks or Imams or religious gurus and a fabricated hadith to start a new Islamic practice. They can just say, "the prophet Muhammad said that you should..." and then everyone follows it and it gets inherited.

    Let's say someone wrote a hadith about the stoning of the devil, and it has been followed ever since....that doesn't make it part of Islam.

    Nevertheless, the point of hajj is to commemorate Allah, not satan.

    You have to differentiate between the inherited Sunnah and some of the stupid false and blasphemous hadiths, such as Moses punched the Angel of death in the eye, which forced Allah Almighty to extend Moses' life, after Allah Almighty SUPPOSEDLY decided to take it and had sent the Angel of Death to take it.  Moses punched in the face both the Angel of Death and Allah Almighty's Will I suppose.

    I'm so happy that we are on the same page that many hadiths are fabricated. But I take it a step further and say hadiths are not a part of Islam---they are culture. True Islam is derived from the teachings in the Quran not the cultural aspects of Islam.

    I can't say that I agree about the inherited sunnah argument. Some people can be following fabricated hadiths in the past and then they get inherited into our modern islam.

    If you can show me where in the Quran we are authorized to follow another source of law, that would completely destroy Quran only Islam and I will happily become a sunni Muslim again. the problem is if sunnis/shias cannot give one Quranic verse supporting their belief system--then how they honestly maintain their beliefs? They really can't, they must be intellectually dishonest.

    The stoning of the devil is part of the Hajj, whether you like it or not.  This is Islam.  Don't try to modify it, akhi.  The Noble Verses that you mention about the Glorious Quran is Complete, yes, those are about your Salvation!  Not about how to dress, how to speak, how to eat, etc...  The Commands are there for being a good and pious Muslim, and one who doesn't harm others.  But the Hadiths detail everything.

    I hope this makes sense for you now.

    The hadiths cannot detail anything more brother! The Quran already has all the details, there are no more details to be given!

    The Quran is clear that it has all the details! What is the sunni response to this?? Did Allah not really mean that the Quran is fully detailed? I don't see a way out of this.

    [Quran 7:52] We have given them a scripture that is fully detailed, with knowledge, guidance, and mercy for the people who believe.

    [Quran 10:37] This Quran could not possibly be authored by other than God. It confirms all previous messages, and provides a fully detailed scripture. It is infallible, for it comes from the Lord of the universe.

    [Quran 12:111] In their history, there is a lesson for those who possess intelligence. This is not fabricated Hadith; this (Quran) confirms all previous scriptures, provides the details of everything, and is a beacon and mercy for those who believe.

    If you were Allah and you wanted to say the Quran is fully detailed, how would you better word those verses? You can't they are absolutely clear, the Quran has details of everything.
    « Last Edit: June 30, 2014, 06:49:59 PM by mclinkin94 »

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    Re: Zionist symbols in Saudi Arabia and the United States Seal
    « Reply #6 on: July 01, 2014, 01:33:54 AM »
    Wa Alaikum As'salam akhi Mclinkin94,

    You're honestly beginning to sound like an infidel pretending to be Muslim.  We get those rotten infidels every once in a while.  I just hope you're no one of them. 

    I am going to end this pointless discussion with a few points:

    1-  You're speaking like the atheists when they say "may be there is no GOD", or "we don't know...".  Your argument AT BEST is "may be they're false", or "maybe this practice is fabricated by some group of sheikhs....".  I don't know then how the Islam that we follow had been perfected by Allah Almighty according to the Glorious Quran:

    [005:003]  Forbidden to you is the flesh of an animal which dies of itself, and blood and the flesh of swine; and that on which is invoked the name of any other than ALLAH; and that which has been strangled; and that which has been beaten to death; and that which has been killed by a fall and that which has been gored to death; and that of which a wild animal has eaten, except that which you have properly slaughtered; and that which has been slaughtered at an altar as an offering to idols. And forbidden is also this that you seek to know your lot by the divining arrows. That is an act of disobedience. This day have those who disbelieve despaired of harming your religion. So fear them not, but fear ME. This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed MY favour upon you and have chosen for you Islam as religion. But whoso is forced by hunger, without being wilfully inclined to sin, then, surely, ALLAH is Most Forgiving, and is Merciful.

    For GOD Almighty's Sake, if the inherited Sunnah is all wrong (our Prayer, Fasting, Pilgrimage, etc...) are all wrong, according to you, then how is this in harmony with the Quran??  And how is the Quran in harmony with common sense and logic then??  How could It claim that Islam had been PERFECTED and COMPLETED for us, when everything about It is just false, according to you??

    2-  For the millionth time told to you by Muslims, the Glorious Quran details everything as far as Salvation and Commands are concerned, and the Hadiths detail the DEEP DIVES of the practices.  Hajj is in the Holy Quran.  Salat is in the Holy Quran.  The Hadiths tell you how to do them.  If a Command in a Hadith isn't mentioned in the Glorious Quran at all, such as drinking with your right hand, or shaving your mustache, then this is all optional Sunnah.  Many Scholars agree with this.  However, it is best to do it if you could.  I personally do the Sunnah as much as I can.  But it is not compulsory.

    3-  Allah Almighty's Command above in my previous post wasn't just limited to spoils of wars, man!  The command is clearly a general one, even if it were mentioned in a specific situation.

    Now for the sake of keeping the Muslims' faith balanced, and not to spread any cultists' confusions and lies, and for the sake of the possibility of YOU being a non-Muslims, I would like to humbly ask you to cease at once all discussions regarding the Sunnah.  You can resume discussing the Scientific Miracles in the Glorious Quran and all other topics.  But the Quran and Sunnah is something that has gone on for a long time here, and quite frankly, it's becoming quite silly to continue this discussion and keep repeating ourselves over and over and over to you.  So please brother, do not discuss this again here.  I'll give you the last word on this thread to say and rebut what you wish.

    Take care,
    Osama Abdallah

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    Re: Zionist symbols in Saudi Arabia and the United States Seal
    « Reply #7 on: July 01, 2014, 04:18:15 AM »
    Wa Alaikum As'salam akhi Mclinkin94,

    You're honestly beginning to sound like an infidel pretending to be Muslim.  We get those rotten infidels every once in a while.  I just hope you're no one of them. 

    How so? All I have done is present Quranic evidence, evidence you have absolutely no response for. I do feel that it is impossible to refute the Quranic claims if you believe in the Quran--Allah couldn't have been more clear.

    In fact, if we play that game and judge who is Muslim purely based on Allah's words--it would be clear that sunnis are not worthy of the title "muslim"

    1-  You're speaking like the atheists when they say "may be there is no GOD", or "we don't know...".  Your argument AT BEST is "may be they're false", or "maybe this practice is fabricated by some group of sheikhs....".

    I don't argue like that. I don't say that hadiths may be fabricated and the Quran may be the only source of law.

    Hadiths are fabricated and the Quran is the ONLY source of law as it was explicitly stated. Even if hadiths contain some truth in them, it doesn't matter as all the details we need to know are in the Quran.

      I don't know then how the Islam that we follow had been perfected by Allah Almighty according to the Glorious Quran:

    [005:003]  Forbidden to you is the flesh of an animal which dies of itself, and blood and the flesh of swine; and that on which is invoked the name of any other than ALLAH; and that which has been strangled; and that which has been beaten to death; and that which has been killed by a fall and that which has been gored to death; and that of which a wild animal has eaten, except that which you have properly slaughtered; and that which has been slaughtered at an altar as an offering to idols. And forbidden is also this that you seek to know your lot by the divining arrows. That is an act of disobedience. This day have those who disbelieve despaired of harming your religion. So fear them not, but fear ME. This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed MY favour upon you and have chosen for you Islam as religion. But whoso is forced by hunger, without being wilfully inclined to sin, then, surely, ALLAH is Most Forgiving, and is Merciful.

    Allah DID perfect Islam and he made it clear that the Quran is the only source of law. Sunni's and shia's are not Muslims. They are disbelievers. They are not following Allah's perfected religion which states that the Quran is the only source of law.

    Quran 45:6-8 These are the verses of Allah which We recite to you in truth. Then in what statement after Allah and His verses will they believe? Woe to every sinful liar. Who hears the verses of Allah recited to him, then persists arrogantly as if he had not heard them. So give him tidings of a painful punishment.

    You just heard Allah's verse that you cannot believe in anything besides these (quranic) verses. You persist arrogantly as if you had not heard them, so I give you and all sunni/shia tidings of a painful punishment just as the Quran ordered me to. Is this really an unreasonable claim. All I have done is read the Quran to you...

    Consider me as a messenger giving you Allah's wisdom. You have relentlessly resisted. Just imagine how the prophet Muhammad felt when he came with really good arguments and the meccans didn't follow because of arrogance.

    It is important that you take these Quranic words seriously brother, for your own soul,
    do not turn a blind eye to the words of God in the Quran.
    Why is it so difficult to believe all the words of God which I showed you?
    Do you want to be sorry on Judgement day and say I wish I did not let my ego blind me from the truth?
    I am here to help you as a brother and a friend, but I cannot do so unless you decide to believe the Quran,

    For GOD Almighty's Sake, if the inherited Sunnah is all wrong (our Prayer, Fasting, Pilgrimage, etc...) are all wrong, according to you, then how is this in harmony with the Quran??  And how is the Quran in harmony with common sense and logic then??  How could It claim that Islam had been PERFECTED and COMPLETED for us, when everything about It is just false, according to you??

    But you are assuming that those who follow the inherited Sunnah are proper Muslims?

    Remember what the Quran predicted?

    [Quran 25:30] The Messengers will say, "Lord, my people had abandoned this Quran.

    This is a prophesy that came true. People have abandoned the Quran and violated the direct commandment of not taking another source of law.

    2-  For the millionth time told to you by Muslims, the Glorious Quran details everything as far as Salvation and Commands are concerned, and the Hadiths detail the DEEP DIVES of the practices.  Hajj is in the Holy Quran.  Salat is in the Holy Quran.  The Hadiths tell you how to do them.  If a Command in a Hadith isn't mentioned in the Glorious Quran at all, such as drinking with your right hand, or shaving your mustache, then this is all optional Sunnah.  Many Scholars agree with this.  However, it is best to do it if you could.  I personally do the Sunnah as much as I can.  But it is not compulsory.

    No brother. No!

    The Quran has all the details and made no exceptions, you are directly disbelieving in Allah's words!! Please reconsider your thought!

    3-  Allah Almighty's Command above in my previous post wasn't just limited to spoils of wars, man!  The command is clearly a general one, even if it were mentioned in a specific situation.

    Sure, but even so--the prophet Muhammad was instructed by Allah how to give out the spoils of war! That means Muhammad had no legislative power, all power was to Allah and Muhammad just executes his commands and we are commanded to follow him.

    If this is not just limited to the spoils of war but is applicable to everything, then the same concept follows--Allah gives the command the the prophet in the Quran, and the prophet executes the commands and we must follow the prophet. This verse in no way validates the sunnah or another source of law besides the Quran. Muhammad has no legislative power, he executes Allah's command in the Quran and if we don't follow the prophet then we are not following the Quran nor Allah.

    Now for the sake of keeping the Muslims' faith balanced, and not to spread any cultists' confusions and lies, and for the sake of the possibility of YOU being a non-Muslims, I would like to humbly ask you to cease at once all discussions regarding the Sunnah.  You can resume discussing the Scientific Miracles in the Glorious Quran and all other topics.  But the Quran and Sunnah is something that has gone on for a long time here, and quite frankly, it's becoming quite silly to continue this discussion and keep repeating ourselves over and over and over to you.  So please brother, do not discuss this again here.  I'll give you the last word on this thread to say and rebut what you wish.

    You have my word. This is my last discussion of this topic on this forum unless permission is given to me (from you) specifically.

    But I continue urge you to open your heart and mind to Allah and the Quran.

    If you cannot defend the most simple of verses that the Quran is fully detailed and that we cannot believe in any verse besides it--then there is something wrong with your belief system.

    I hope you may find guidance and become a true muslim.
    « Last Edit: July 01, 2014, 04:27:53 AM by mclinkin94 »

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    Re: Zionist symbols in Saudi Arabia and the United States Seal
    « Reply #8 on: July 02, 2014, 09:14:18 PM »
    I want to say a few words;

    Brother Mclickin94,
    You seem to forget the fact that humans are sheep and needed to be educated by people who knows stuff. Hence we got Prophets as our teachers who educates us and make an example of how to be the best believer you can be. Sunni means follower of Sunnah (the conduct of the Prophet). Its the same as trying to mimic the behaviour of someone of good character in our time. Prophets fills the role of teacher and example to humanity to be like them.

    If we somehow got our hands on the information about our Prophet by the way of hadits (spelled wrong i think, sorry im on cellphone) you got the option of questioning it as to if it fits in to the teachins of Quran. If you decided it is not then you can ignore it.

    But what i wanted to stress was you cant change the way of thinking of people. Thats why it is said it is harder than breaking atoms. I think in the year 21XX, all debates on religion is pointless. We got every source at our disposal as to however we want to believe. Whoever wants let him believe, whoever wants let him disbelive.

    Brother Osama,
    Im very saddened by your random labeling of people as infidels. I terminated my lifelong friendship with one of my best friends on the fact that he done the same as you. It is one of the worst things Allah strongly hates. I read even if a muslim does not do his obligations out of laziness, you still cant label him as an infidel. Whats more, it automatically makes YOU an infidel even if you are the best person second only to Prophets.

    You have taken the burden of spreading the word of Allah out of selflessness, many thanks, may Allah pleased with you. But do try to pursue your goal without labeling people as infidel.

    Thank you.

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    Re: Zionist symbols in Saudi Arabia and the United States Seal
    « Reply #9 on: July 06, 2014, 03:01:42 AM »

    Allah DID perfect Islam and he made it clear that the Quran is the only source of law. Sunni's and shia's are not Muslims. They are disbelievers. They are not following Allah's perfected religion which states that the Quran is the only source of law.

    I think you need to study back how Islam propagate to many parts of the world since 7th century. And recheck all those parts of the world that receive the message of Islam since 7th century.  You will see all are following Quran with sunnah.

    Also if you look into China's Muslim region that receive Islam in 7th century, they are of sunnis .


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