Author Topic: QURAN ON EBRYOLOGY  (Read 3719 times)

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« on: June 09, 2013, 08:20:10 AM »
Some people are claiming that Quran's Embryology is incorrect. In favor of their justification they say the following thing, 

           The Quran in Sura At Tariq ( Chapter 86 verse# 6-7) says

 " He is created from a water gushing forth
 Proceeding from between the back-bone and the ribs"

 According to science there are two seminal vesicles behind the urinary bladder. The testicles produce only 5% of the sperm. The seminal vesicles produce between 60 to 70% of the semen content per ejaculation. The seminal vesicles are located near the urinary bladder not between the backbone and ribs. So the verse is clearly in error. There was a Greek Physicist called Galen. He lived in 100 A.D he believed in the idea that men is created from ejaculated liquid gushing from backbone and the sperm.

      Please brothers and sisters help me to answer these fools.What will I say to them?

Offline Sama

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« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2013, 12:17:13 PM »
Assalam alaikum

The person u r talking to aims to deceive you and keep telling u he is 'not convinced' when u show him how his points are ridiculous.

He said 'The testicles produce only 5% of the sperm.' So his own statement is clearly in error.
The testicles actually produce only 100% of the sperm cells.

Now back to the ayah:
" He is created from a water gushing forth
 Proceeding from between the back-bone and the ribs"

To prove a scientific error, he has to 'prove' that genital organs or passages actually exist outside the area determined by God, otherwise his claims are to be ignored.


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