Author Topic: An accusation of Muhammed pbuh  (Read 10333 times)

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Offline mendacium remedium

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An accusation of Muhammed pbuh
« on: April 29, 2013, 10:54:42 AM »
can anyone help me answer this please?:

"The Muslim history would have you believe that. However the most accurate historical evidence is that Mohammed was only forced to flee after having signed an agreement with Medina to wage war on Mecca.

Where is this "historical fact" you so casually speak of? If it is your qu'ran; that is not sufficient historical evidence"

Offline Tanveer

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Re: An accusation of Muhammed pbuh
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2013, 11:17:16 AM »
Did they give you any evidence to backnowledge their claim or did they just pull it out of their ass?

Offline mendacium remedium

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Re: An accusation of Muhammed pbuh
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2013, 01:18:19 PM »
They just link anti-islamic websites and indirectly assert the burden of proof is on me to give them historical evidences.

Offline Tanveer

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Re: An accusation of Muhammed pbuh
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2013, 03:11:22 PM »
They just link anti-islamic websites and indirectly assert the burden of proof is on me to give them historical evidences.
Lol. Then rest assured that even when you do prove them wrong they wont care. Theyll carry on spurting their rubbish.

Offline Black Muslim

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Re: An accusation of Muhammed pbuh
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2013, 12:34:15 PM »
What kind of rubbish is that ?! Everyone knows that the Muslims of Makkah where forced to leave after suffering much torture . And the prophet has said that if he wasn't forced , he wouldn't have left the dearest country to his heart . And what agreement to wage war on Makkah ? ( And not Mecca you ignorants ) The only agreement made in Madinah ( Not Medina ) was with the Jews to fight whoever assaults them ( Which the Jews broke ) And that's what happened .

As for those who don't accept Quran as a historical evidence (Eat dirt !) Who made YOU a judge to say if something is an accepted source or not ? But if you're so desperate , check every historical book with correct chains to see that they all match Quran . It is really a farce . The only nation which has recorded its history by chains of stories is the Islamic nation , and you still have the nerve to talk ? In your own history , you can't prove if a leader or a king has said something or not , because it is only mentioned by one lone person who never met that king . How did he hear it from him ? Was it from someone else ? Then why doesn't he mention that person ? You're not ones to talk about the authority of historical resources .

Yet again , it is one of the biggest farces when such Islamophobic individuals do the play of "Prove that you're innocent or you're guilty . And even if you prove it I won't take it because you're barbarian" . As we say in Arabic "The evidence is a burden on those who claim" .

I know my language is edgy here , but I believe anyone would be mad after having difficulties during his day and then he opens his PC to see such idiocy .

Offline mendacium remedium

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Re: An accusation of Muhammed pbuh
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2013, 10:29:08 AM »
What kind of rubbish is that ?! Everyone knows that the Muslims of Makkah where forced to leave after suffering much torture . And the prophet has said that if he wasn't forced , he wouldn't have left the dearest country to his heart . And what agreement to wage war on Makkah ? ( And not Mecca you ignorants ) The only agreement made in Madinah ( Not Medina ) was with the Jews to fight whoever assaults them ( Which the Jews broke ) And that's what happened .

As for those who don't accept Quran as a historical evidence (Eat dirt !) Who made YOU a judge to say if something is an accepted source or not ? But if you're so desperate , check every historical book with correct chains to see that they all match Quran . It is really a farce . The only nation which has recorded its history by chains of stories is the Islamic nation , and you still have the nerve to talk ? In your own history , you can't prove if a leader or a king has said something or not , because it is only mentioned by one lone person who never met that king . How did he hear it from him ? Was it from someone else ? Then why doesn't he mention that person ? You're not ones to talk about the authority of historical resources .

Yet again , it is one of the biggest farces when such Islamophobic individuals do the play of "Prove that you're innocent or you're guilty . And even if you prove it I won't take it because you're barbarian" . As we say in Arabic "The evidence is a burden on those who claim" .

I know my language is edgy here , but I believe anyone would be mad after having difficulties during his day and then he opens his PC to see such idiocy .

I understand your frustration brother. Is it possible if you or anyone else could provide me with historical evidence i.e sources that i could back this up with? I know what we are saying is true, based on the unanimous agreement by muslims and non-muslims, but i would like some historical evidences to present to them with brother:)

Offline zulfiqarchucknorris

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Re: An accusation of Muhammed pbuh
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2013, 04:50:40 PM »
heres what happened
The muslims were getteng torutured and killed in mecca, the prophet tried to reason the meccans but to no avail, however, he found that his message had spread to neighboring medina, and the there were many muslims there, the muslims could not take the persecution and the boycotts any longer, a delegation from medina had told the prophet that they would except him as there leader if h solved a conflict with 2 tribes there the aws and the khazraj. the muslims then migrated to medina,when the meccans found out, they tried to prevent the muslims and the prophet from leaving, they surrounded the prophet's house and weer going to kill him once he left, but God revealed some verses and the prohet managed to escape.
Also read the responce i posted to you in you other post,1031.0.html
i put valueble info and articles there.
PS, i forgot to respond to this topic in the other article, the reason ALi was not killed, although it was considered, was that his killing would anger the Hashmite tribe.


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